Thursday, June 13, 2013

Deleting and recreating custom content type managed property killed search scope

Today I had a problem with one of our managed properties. I had created a custom managed property for displaying content type in the search XML and in the search refinement panel. I followed the description from Glyn Clough's Blog: when setting this up, and everything worked fine except for the problem that for some documents the mime type was listed as the content type instead of the content type's name.

See problem description on Technet forum:

To try to fix this I deleted the custom content type managed property and recreated it exactly like I did the first time with same name, mapped it to the same crawled property ows_ContentType, and did a complete recrawl.

That solved the original problem, but now I found that a search scope that had used the original search scope in a rule (customContentType=someContentTypeName) no longer worked. No search results were returned by the scope, and when trying to edit the scope through Central Admin I got an error message stating: "The search service is currently offline...".

I ended up deleting the scope and recreating one exactly the same as the original.